Should Batman Kill?

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

It is good to be back!

Director Zack Snyder (300, Man of Steel, Batman V Superman) recently appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast for a lengthy interview that reignited a longtime debate within fandom: Should Batman Kill? We have our own, very strong opinions on the subject here on The World’s Best Podcast. So what better way to return from our long hiatus? It’s good to be back! Thanks for listening and enjoy!

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Below, we have some of the specific moments from Batman comics, video games and film, that show how the character’s “No Kill” Rule is pretty… flexible. We covered some of these on this episode of the podcast. Judge for yourself!

The Dark Knight Returns

This is the much debated sequence from The Dark Knight Returns, that Snyder discusses on JRE, judge for yourself:

While the moment is definitely a little confusing and ambiguous, it is definitely not Batman shooting The Mutant Gang member in the head, as Snyder described it on JRE. At the very least, Batman definitely seems to shoot the guy. However, confusion about this moment doesn’t invalidate the larger points Snyder was making.

Batman Leaves KGBeast For Dead… TWICE!

In Batman #420, rather than test his skills against the formidable KGBeast, Batman traps and seals him abandoned, underground room. Deep in the bowels of Gotham. In a complete cop out from DC, a later issue retconned this moment, at the behest of DC, mentioning that Batman eventually told the police where KGBeast was. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the intentions of the writers and Batman were crystal clear when this comic was published. This was Batman committing a man to a slow and brutal death.

After KGBeast shot Nightwing in the head, causing permanent brain damage, Batman hunts KGBeast to the ends of the Earth. Culminating in a vicious battle in remote Siberia in Batman #57. To end the fight, Batman pulls out his grapple gun sticks it under KG beasts, chin and fires it at point blank range. The tremendous force instantly snaps his neck, paralizing the man. Despite the assassin’s pleas, Batman leaves KGBeast to die in the frozen wilderness. The only question was if he succumbed to his injuries, or to the cold first.

Batman Begins (2005) “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you”

Well, that’s a fine line, isn’t it Batman?

Batman Mortally Wounds Darkseid

Those are just a few examples, but there are plenty more. Batman may not have outright murdered many people since his early years, but there are plenty of times when his actions knowingly resulted in someone’s death. It’s not much of a rule if Batman’s frequently bending it. Maybe it’s time to get rid of the whole damn “No Kill” Rule altogether?

Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!

– Paul

FIRST LOOK: The Flash! New Posters! Videos! & More!

Hey Everyone

Paul here…

Hands-down, DC/WB”s upcoming movie The Flash is by far my most anticipated film of the year. The return of Michael Keaton as Batman! Supergirl! Dark Flash! The DCEU spin on the classic Flashpoint storyline! That KILLER trailer! The return of General Zod! It all looks fucking great.

Plus, say what you want about the guy, but I really like Ezra Miller as The Flash (or more specifically Barry Allen). I do think that when they’re done with Miller, because let’s be real his relationship with Warner Bros. as this character is going to be done after this film, they should make Wally West their new Flash, instead of just re-casting Barry Allen.

Wally West: The One, True Flash!

Alongside Barry/The Flash, It looks like the most important characters in the upcoming film, are Michael Keaton’s Batman and Supergirl. This reality’s twisted reflection of the classic The DC Trinity (Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in the main DCU).

The Trinity from The Flash…

Which I am all about! Because I’ve loved everything I’ve seen about this new Supergirl and once again, give me some Michael Keaton as Batman ALL. DAY. LONG. Which brings me to today‘s topic. As some of you may know, I love me a good movie poster. I love a good movie poster almost as much as I love a good trailer. Well, that’s over stating things a little bit. However, I believe that movie posters are an art form. A great movie poster cannot only sell the shit out of a film, but it can be a work of art. I have countless books solely on the art of movie posters. Books collecting some of the classic movie posters of our time. A great movie poster can capture the imagination. Which is why I was excited to see Warner Bros./DC Studios premiere, these three, very cool character posters for their upcoming Flash film. Take a look.

All in keeping with the them of this universe’s DC Trinity. Speaking of Supergirl, I’m particularly happy to see her included in this film, because Zack Snyder actually set up her presence in the DCEU all the way back in Man of Steel. In the films first act, when Clark discovers the Kryptonian scout ship, he notices pods filled with the bodies of dead Kryptonians, except one of the pods was open, with no body inside. Implying that someone got out alive. Fans, of course, took notice of this and when asked about it, Zack Snyder insinuated that, that was indeed an Easter egg intended to set up Supergirl.

Anyway, as a big fan of Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trilogy, I thought this vide was cool:

James Gunn, the new co-head of DC Studios has repeatedly stated his “love” for The Flash film, calling it “one of the best superhero movies ever made.”. As the co-head of DC Studios and director of the upcoming Superman: Legacy, Gunn may be a little bias. However, Tom Cruise, who many credited with helping to save the moviegoing industry with last year’s mega hit Top Gun: Maverick, was asked by WB CEO David Szazlav to screen the film and give his thoughts. After a print was delivered to Cruise’s home and he watched the movie, Cruise not only “loved it’, but he was so impressed, he called director Andy Muschietti to rave about the film and told the director “This is everything you want in a movie. It’s the kind of film we need now.”. That is one HELL of an endorsement!

…And just to wrap things up, not for nothing, but the McFarlane Action Figures for The Flash and Keaton’s Batman for this movie look sick! Needless to say, there’s a lot of reasons to be excited for this film!

The Flash opens in theaters June 16th, 2023!

Thanks for reading! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


PODCAST: The Batman Review!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

On this episode of The World’s Best Podcast, the latest incarnation of The Dark Knight Detective has arrived in theaters! The Batman starring Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Jeffery Wright, Colin Farrell and more! After attending The Gala World Premiere, here’s my straight out of the theatre take on The Batman!

Listen to our review here: Or…




Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


PODCAST: Best Movies of 2021!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

On this episode, Big Paul Sr. and I look back at 2021 and discuss our favorite movies of the year! We planned on going over our favorite TV shows of 2021 as well, but as usual, things went off the rails pretty quickly. So, expect a new episode of the podcast, where we talk about our favorite TV/Streaming series of 2021. We will most likely have it posted sometime in the next week.

The format of The World’s Best Podcast has always been very informal and conversational. Which means, that sometimes, we don’t get to go over certain topics as much as I’d like. While we spent a decent amount of time discussing most of our favorite movies of the year, there were a few that got left out or under discussed. Which is why I decided to included my official Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2021 list in this article, that we mention on the podcast. I’d love to hear what movies resonated with you in 2021, so let us know in the comments below or on social media.

My Favorite Movies of 2021

  • The Suicide Squad
  • Nobody
  • Zack Snyder’s Justice League
  • Dune
  • Eternals
  • Ghostbusters: Afterlife
  • Shang-Chi & The Legend of The Ten Rings
  • A Quiet Place: Part 2
  • Batman: The Long Halloween
  • Last Night In Soho

Some of you may be surprised to see that Spider-Man: No Way Home didn’t make it onto the list. No Way Home is probably the biggest, most ambitious film to come out of The MCU, that isnt an Avengers movie. No Way Home has A LOT going on. I only saw it once and when I finally did, I was a little under the weather (Don’t worry, I’m not talking about COVID or anything like that. I would never be irresponsible enough to go to a movie, if I thought there was even a chance I was COVID positive). I have a feeling that, if I saw the film under better circumstances it would be in the Top 10. I didn’t feel comfortable including it on this list, until I see it again and decide where exactly I come down on Spider-Man: No Way Home. Anyway, enjoy this week’s episode of The World’s Best Podcast!

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Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


BATMAN DAY: The Best Modern Day Batman Stories!

Hey Everyone.

Paul here…

One of humanities greatest holiday’s, Batman Day, is upon us once again. In honor of this joyous occasion, it’s officially Batman Week here at World’s Best Media! It’s that special time of year when we can all take the time to reflect on the greatness of The Dark Knight Detectve. Like Superman, people will still be telling stories about The Batman, in one form or another, hundreds of years from now (unless of course, mankind doesn’t wipe itself from the face of the Earth in the near future). Characters like Batman and Superman are our modern day gods. Like Achilles or Beowulf, these heroes resonate with people because they’re such primal archetypes.

Even more so than Superman, the tragic tale of a boy who witnesses the brutal murder of his parents, is a fear we can all relate to. The boy made a vow to rid his city of the evil that took their lives, and turned himself into a monster to do it. The tragedy of Batman is that his war can never be won and he knows it. That’s deep, primal stuff. The brillliant simplicity of Batman allows for endless stories and reinventions.

Batman isn’t only my favorite comics book character, he’s by far my favorite character in all of literature. The complex psychology of Bruce Wayne, the greatest group of villains ever assembled, the sprawling urban nightmare that is Gotham City, and a phenomenal supporting cast… it all comes together to form the unforgettable tapestry of The Batman mythology. So in honor of Batman Day, I decided to put together a list of my favorite modern Batman stories. This was harder than you might think, because there are literally hundreds of classic Batman tales. I left out the obvious ones like “The Big 3”: The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, and The Killing Joke. Including those 3 classics on my list, seemed redundant and obvious, so I decided to focus on some great modern Batman stories. I was able to narrow it down to these amazing tales, that I encourage all of you to check out. Let’s dive in…

Batman: The Black Mirror

Written by Scott Snyder

Art by Jock & Francesco Francavilla

DC has a long history of “legacy heroes”. “Legacy heroes” are characters who take up the mantle of an iconic, classic superhero, when the original cannot or will not continue on. “Legacy heroes” are almost always characters who are close to the original incarnation of the superhero in question, usually a sidekick or a partner. For example, when the original Flash, Barry Allen, died in Crisis On Infinite Earths, his sidekick, Wally West AKA Kid Flash, inherited the role of The Scarlet Speedster. In fact, many fans believe Wally West surpassed his mentor to be the best version of The Flash in the history of DC Comics. Another good example, is when the entire Green Lantern Corp were wiped out (including Hal Jordan), artist Kyle Rayner was chosen to become the only living in Green Lantern in the universe. Eventually, he was instrumental in rebuilding the Corp. We tend tp not think of Batman as a character that ”passes on the mantle”. However, there has been some notable exceptions, like Dick Grayson, that were excellent and unique versions of The Dark Knight.

The Black Mirror took place at a time when, for reasons that are too complicated to get into, Bruce Wayne was MIA as Batman. Dick Grayson a.k.a. the original Robin a.k.a. Nightwing, reluctantly donned the Cape and Cowl to become the new Batman.

Like so many other excellent Batman tales, the story is just as much about Jim Gordon as it is Batman. The veteran Gotham police officer and the rookie Batman, must solve a grisly mystery that hits far too close to home for both men. With amazing art by Jock and Francesco Francavilla, it seems as if Gotham City itself is alive. A dark and hungry thing, ready to devour those that walk it’s streets. This was the breakout story that launched Scott Snyder’s career as one of the biggest creators in the industry. This isn’t the only time you’ll see Snyder’s name pop up on this list, because The Black Mirror was his first step on his journey to becoming one of the greatest Batman writers of all time.

Batman: R.I.P.

Written by Grant Morrison

Art by Tony Daniel

Grant Morrison is not only a personal favorite of mine, he’s also one of the best and most celebrated comic writers in the history of the medium. All-Star Superman, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On A Serious Earth, JLA, if you’ve ever read Morrison‘s work, it will come as no surprise that this is one hell of a weird, fucking Batman story. However, in this instance that’s a really good thing. Batman R.I.P. marks the end of ACT I of Morrison‘s epic Batman run. When I was reading this nightmarish and disturbing story for the first time, it genuinely felt like anything could happen, which is rare when you’re dealing with such a well-known character like Batman. The brilliance of Morrison‘s run, is how he mines some of the most ridiculous and wacked out Batman stories from the late-50’s, 60’s, and early 70’s, (that any other writer would just as soon forget) to tell a truly unique Batman tale. Some fantastic new villains, like demonic Dr. Hurt, and new spins on old dynamics, make this an unforgettable story about madness, evil, and the indomitable will of The Dark Knight.

Batman & Robin: Reborn

Written by Grant Morrison

Art by Frank Quietly

Another fantastic story taking place during Dick Grayson’s tenure as The Caped Crusader. Grant Morrison’s ambitious, and entertaining Batman run, consisted of a broad, 3 Act structure. If Batman RIP was the end of Act I of Morrison‘s epic, then Batman and Robin: Reborn is the beginning of Act II. This story follows Dick as he struggles to fit into his new role as Batman. One The most compelling parts of the story, is the relationship between Dick and the new Robin, Damian Wayne, Bruce’s son. Reborn puts a fun new spin on the Batman and Robin dynamic. Normally, Batman is the dark, brooding one, with Robin as the bright, quipping, colorful, and lighthearted side of The Dynamic Duo. This story completely flips that dynamic on its head. This Batman smiles, tells jokes, and has fun. Damian’s Robin is arrogant, violent, and brutal. Basically the kid is a real pain in the ass

Regardless, he is, after all, Bruce Wayne‘s biological son. To Dick and Alfred, Bruce was family, so they both feel a responsibility to keep Damian on the right path. Both men know that Bruce would want them to watch over Damian, a task that certainly isn’t easy given Damian’s violent upbringing before he came to live with his father. But Dick and Alfred would never give up on the boy because of their love for Bruce. After all, Damian was raised in The League of Assassins, under the tutelage of Tallia and Ra’s Al Ghul. He could kill grown men by the time he was four years old. With Damian, The House’s of Wayne and Al Ghul would finally be united. Talia and Ra’s were grooming him to stride across the world as a modern-day Alexander The Great. Fortunately, Damian had more of his father in him than his mother and grandfather thought. Inspired by his father, Damian chose his own path, even if that meant being branded as an adversary to The House of Al Ghul.

I really enjoyed the dynamic between Dick, Damian, and Alfred in this story. One of my favorite subplots that evolves as the story goes on, is how Damien, who has nothing but disdain for Dick and Alfred, gradually comes to love and respect them both, arguably even more than he loves his father. Add in some gorgeous art by the legendary Frank Quietly (who’s one of my favorite comic book artists), the introduction of one of my favorite and most disturbing modern day Batman villains: the grotesque Professor Pyg, and you’ve got yourself one hell of a Batman comic book. This story is a new era for Batman and it all comes together to make this a must read.

Batman: The Court of Owls

Written by Scott Snyder

Art by Greg Capullo

The Court of Owls marks the beginning of what would become, one of the greatest writer/artist teams in modern comics. Together, writer Scott Snyder and veteran artist Greg Capullo, would go on to create one of the best Batman runs in the long history of the character.

Gotham City is synonymous with The Dark Knight. He knows it’s broken streets and dark alleyways, as well as he knows his own reflection in the mirror. Gotham belongs to The Batman and he knows all it’s secrets. Or does he? After a series of bizarre murders, Batman is blindsided by the realization that a cunning and dangerous enemy has existed and operated right under his nose. This powerful adversary has had its claws in Gotham for hundreds of years, going all the way back to the founding of the city. Bruce Wayne might be the worlds greatest detective and the legendary Batman, but in his hubris, he forgot one of the most important lessons he learned in his years protecting the city: The second you think you know Gotham, is the moment it swallows you into the darkness.

What are your favorite Batman stories? Please let us know in the comments below or on social media!

Thanks for reading! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


NEW TRAILER & POSTERS: Titans Season 3!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

Ever since Titans first premiered on the DC Universe Streaming Service, I always felt it was a pretty underrated superhero show. It seemed to get a lot of criticism, that I think, it didn’t deserve. Even Season 2 was a big improvement on Season 1, in my opinion. My theory, is that the series is a fairly dark interpretation of the Teen Titans mythology. Titans premiered right around the time many fans were souring on what they believed was overly dark and grim tone of the DCEU movies like Man of Steel and BvS. Regardless, it’s not a perfect show by any means, but for me at least, Titans has always been an absolute blast. Season 3 looks to be the best yet, adding Scarecrow, Red Hood, Blackfire, and Barbara Gordon to an already fun ensemble of DC characters. The first two seasons are available now on HBO Max. I definitely recommend giving it a shot, especially if you’re a DC fan. Titans Season 3 premieres August 12 on HBO Max. Take a look at these cool promo images, and watch the new trailer right here:

This season also sees the debut of Tim Drake, the 3rd hero to take up the mantle of Robin (pictured below). Tim eventually comes into his own as The World’s Second Greatest Detective, Red Robin.

More character posters…

Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


PODCAST: The Importance of Endings! Plus, Godzilla Vs. Kong, The Falcon & The Winter Soldier and more!

Het Everyone,

Paul here…

On this episode of The World’s Best Podcast, our New Season begins with an ending. Endings can be the most important part of any story. A great ending can retroactively make a story infinitely better, while a bad end can destroy everything that came. Kicking off our New Season, we discusses a wide range of topics, including Godzilla Vs. Kong, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, WandaVision & The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Zack Snyder’s DCU, and much more! As always, thanks for listening and enjoy!

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   Below, is trailer compilation for The Snyder DC”, that I mentioned earlier in the article. The timing for this is fantastic, but a few days after I recorded  this episode HBO MAX  released a really cool trailer for “Zach Snyder’s Justice League Trilogy”.  This video is a perfect example one my topics in this episode. In hindsight, Man of Steel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice,  and finally Zack Snyder’s Justice League, the films work so much better when we see the whole picture with these films. Snyder was making his EPIC Tolkien-eques Superhero Sage. I think it’s very interesting that Zack Snyder was far more influenced by Lord of The Rings and J.R.R. Tolkien instead of The Marvel Cinematic Universe. You can really see his influence in these films if you look for it. Take look at this thrilling trailer HBO Max dropped, which highlights some ideas I brought up in this episode of the podcast. Check it out:

Thanks for listening! Follow me on Twitter @PJWrightWBM or type Worlds Best Media into the search bar, you can also like and follow us on our Facebook page; World’s Best Media. We’re on Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


TRAILERS OF THE WEEK: F9:The Fast Saga & Army of The Dead!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

WEEK 4 of Worlds Best Media’s SPRING 2021 Movie & TV Preview begins with this installment of TRAILERS OF THE WEEK! We have the sick new trailers for F9: The Fast & Furious Saga, with the talented Justin Lin returning to direct, and Army of The Dead, directed by Zack Snyder! Let’s start with Army of The Dead starring Dave Bautista. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, probably that you’re a little sick of Zack Snyder after so much coverage of his Justice League film last month. However, I LOVE zombie movies, Snyder directed one of the best zombie movies of all time with Dawn of The Dead, and this trailer looks fucking sick! Take a look below…

Army of The Dead premieres on Netflix and Select Theaters 5/21/21

Next up, we have F9: The Fast Saga or The Fast and The Furious 9 or who gives a shit? We all now why we show up for this absurdly entertaining series of films. Out of the 2 trailers we’re highlighting this week,the one with zombies is the MUCH MORE realistic of the two. After a year long delay due to COVID, F9: The Fast Saga finally hits theaters this June. I make no apologies, I fucking LOVE these movies and you can’t bet your ass that this is one of my MUST WATCH movies this summer!

F9: The Fast Saga hit theaters 6/25/21

Thanks for reading and watching! Follow me on Twitter @PJWrightWBM or type Worlds Best Media into the search bar, you can also like and follow us on our Facebook page; World’s Best Media. We’re on Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


Spring 2021 Movie & TV Preview! PODCAST: Zack Snyder’s JUSTICE LEAGUE (SPOILERS)!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

On this episode, The World’s Best Podcast crosses over with the Cuff’s Basement Podcast to review Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which recently premiered on HBO Max! Along with Tim and Ryan, we breakdown a film that is vastly different from the original 2017 Justice League theatrical release. In fact Zack Snyder‘s Justice League is more like a entirely new film, than a director’s cut. We go over everything from what worked to what didn’t, as well as what we loved about the film and what we may have disliked. In this fun and far reaching discussion which yielded one of our best episodes this year, so far!

Listen here:  Or subscribe/listen on Spotify, Stitcher, Spreaker, iHeartRadio, Deezer, Podchaser, Castbox, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, & Apple Podcasts/ITunes…




While promoting the film, Zack Snyder offered up a lot of interesting information, teases, and images about what might have been, had things gone according to plan and the DCEU stayed on the track that began with Man of Steel. Snyder originally envisioned a 5-film “Lord of The Rings” style epic, that included Man of Steel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and culminated in a massive Justice League trilogy. As a result there were a lot ideas and concepts that were played around with that were abandoned. A good example of how somethings could’ve played out slightly differently is, how in one of the subplots in Batman V Superman, involved Wonder Woman attempting to retrieve an old photograph of herself and her comrades-in-arms from WWI. This of course tied into 2017’s Wonder Woman directed by Patty Jenkins. However, before the story for the first wonder woman film had been finalized there was still some to be about exactly how long Diana had been away from Themyscira fighting wars in “Man’s World”. Some beautiful images were commissioned showing Diana fighting alongside soldiers in wars much farther back in history, closer to The Crimean War than World War I. Snyder shared a few of them online that I thought were particularly interesting which you can take a look at right here:

Snyder offered up another sneak peek at The Snyder Cut, whe he confirmed the long running fan theory that General Swanwick played by Harry Lennox (Man of Steel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice) was actually J’onn J’onnz: The Martian Manhunter, hiding among mankind. Snyder revealed that the character would indeed be making an appearance in his Justice League when it premiered on HBO Max, with Lennox returning for the role. DC helped Snyder give fans at hint at the character’s design in the film, by publishing variant covers of the JL comic book a few months back, featuring the movie version of this classic character drawn by the legendary Jim Lee. Take a look…

This is the final design for the character used in the movie

This also wraps up WEEK 1 of World’s Best Media’s Spring 2021 Movie & TV Preview! We have even more great content coming your way in WEEK 2, with exciting new series like Amazon Prime’s INVINCIBLE, from the creator of The Walking Dead!

Thanks for listening! Follow me on Twitter @PJWrightWBM or type Worlds Best Media into the search bar, you can also like and follow us on our Facebook page; World’s Best Media. We’re on Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


WBM’s SPRING 2021 MOVIE & TV PREVIEW! Week 1: The Falcon & The Winter Soldiers and Zack Snyder’s Justice League! UPDATED

Hey Everyone,

Paul here… Updated: 3/17/2021

From now to the end of May, some of the years most high profile television shows and films will be premiering on streaming networks, digitally, on-demand, and if you’re bold enough, movie theaters. We’re about to roll out a big World’s Best Media’s SPRING 2021 Movie & TV Preview! This is going to include multiple podcasts, some of our best writers offering up reviews and editorials, exclusive video content, and more! New films and shows like The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Godzilla Vs. Kong, Black Widow, Invincible, Justice Society: World War II, The Irregulars, Jupiter’s Legacy, Invincible and more will all be covered here on World’s Best Media! We’re really excited for you all to see it! Save this page/link to your browser because we’ll be posting multiple updates each week! It could be a new article, a trailer, a first look at a film or TV show poster, or a podcast! We want to provide you with as much fun and interesting new content as possible! Week 1 of World’s Best Media’s SPRING 2021 Movie & TV Preview starts off with a bang! Zack Snyder’s Justice League premieres on HBO Max on 3/18, we already have some beautiful character posters and teasers posted below, to get you psyched for Thursday’s premiere. By Sunday night or Monday morning we’ll have a very special episode of The World’s Best Podcast ready where I recap and review The Snyder Cut, with Tim Cuff and Ryan McDonald, hosts of Cuff’s Basement! However, Zack Snyder’s Justice League isn’t the only exciting project to premiere this week…

Marvel’s The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: (UPDATED on 3/23)

Here’s our FULL SPOILER breakdown/review of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Episode 1

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Keep it here at World’s Best Media for continuing coverage of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier…

Marvel’s The Falcon and The Winter Soldier drops the first installment of it’s 6 episode season on Friday 3/19 on Disney+. Marvel has released multiple trailers and images hinting at some thrilling stuff in store for us in this new series. Check them out right here…

Final Trailer:

Teaser #1:

Behind-The-Scenes Look:

    We’ll be updating this page with our review for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, as well as other content pertaining to the series, as it becomes available.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Posters & Character Teasers: (UPDATED with FULL SPOILER REVIEW)

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  Zack Snyder‘s Justice League is absolutely one of the big projects we’re going to cover in our World’s Best Media’s SPRING 2021 Preview! Zack Snyder has posted several cool character teasers, hinting at the arcs for individual heroes in this new film, as well as a few new posters for his 4 hour+, Justice League remake,  premiering HBO Max in just a few weeks. Take a look! UPDATED!!! Check out the epic FINAL TRAILER, new teasers and posters for Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Darkseid!

Final Trailer:

Darkseid Teaser:

The Flash/Aquaman Teaser:

Wonder Woman Teaser:

Cyborg Teaser:

Batman Teaser:

Superman Teaser:

Aquaman Teaser:

Character Posters

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter @PJWrightWBM or type Worlds Best Media into the search bar, you can also like and follow us on our Facebook page; World’s Best Media. We’re on Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!
