Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

It’s Super Bowl Sunday and to all us movie fans out there, that mean new trailers for some of the year’s most anticipated movies and TV shows. I’ll be updating the site throughout the evening as new trailers drop, so keep it here at World’s Best Media!

The Flash (6/16)

Man, they didn’t waste any time! I know there’s some controversy surrounding this movie, but this looks fucking awesome!

This is the shorter trailer that aired during the game, but it still has some cool stuff that isn’t in the full trailer.

Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3 (5/5)

Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny (6/30)

This is easily in my top 3 most anticipated movies of the year. I love everything that I’ve seen so far. By the way, I do plan on posting an article about my most anticipated movie and TV projects of 2023, so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, enjoy this look at the epic return of Dr. Henry Jones Junior

Creed III (3/3)

FAST X (5/16)
We’ve seen a lot of cinema’s greatest heroes in these trailers, but they all stand in the shadow of one man: Domenic Toretto. Less than a god, but more than a man. With Dom, it’s all about Family, La Familia. God help anyone who stands between Dom and his La Familia, because no one else will… Here’s the spot that aired during the game and below that is the full trailer

Fast X: Full Trailer…

The Mandalorian: Season 3 (3/1)

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COMIC-CON 2022!!! Marvel Studios! DC! The Sandman! & Much More!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

*EDITOR’S NOTE: A lot of interesting content was revealed at this year’s COMIC-CON, so I’ll be updating this page with new content over the next several days.

Its that time of year and Comic-Con is upon us once again! This the venue where audiences get a sneak peek at some of the most exciting and anticipated projects in the superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy genres. There were quite a few notable announcements, trailers, and first looks, so let’s dive right in!


After The Infinity Saga came to a close, fans have been eager to see where The MCU would go next. The head of Marvel Studios, Kevin Fiege, did not disappoint. As we’re heading towards the end of Phase 4, Marvel debuted the films and Disney+ shows that would make up not only Phase 5, but Phase 6 as well!

As you’ll notice, not all of the films and TV shows that make up Phase 6 have been revealed. Some of these projects could hidden beceause even their title would spoil certain surprises that Marvel has in store. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see some of those spots taken up by sequels for characters like Shang-Chi and Doctor Strange or even an X-Men related project. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a film about the main Marvel Universe version of The Illuminati or even a Doctor Doom solo movie. We’ll have to wait and see. Like The Infinity Saga before it, Phases 4, 5, and 6 will collectively make up…

Culminating in not one, but TWO Avengers films, with monumentally exciting titles…

Exciting stuff, but there’s more MCU where that came from…

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania

The 3rd installment in the Ant-Man franchise marks the beginning of Marvel’s Phase 5. The big news in this movie is Jonathan Majors appearing as Kang The Conqueror. When we met He Who Remains, a much nicer variant of Kang, in Loki Season 1, we were warned that his variant’s are dangerous to put it mildly. When it comes to The Avengers’ the greatest foes, three names top the list: Thanos, Ultron, and Kang. Considering that the next Avengers movie is called Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, you get the idea that Kang is as bad and as dangerous as they come. Jonathan Majors did a fantastic job of playing a variant of Kang in Loki Season One so I’m very excited to see what he does with a much more malevolent version of the character in this film. Below Marvel revealed an exciting poster for the upcoming movie, where you get a good look at not only Ant-Man and The Wasp, but Kang The Conqueror in his traditional comic book attire, along with Scott Lang’s daughter Cassie as her superhero alter ego, Stature.

Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3

While some of the Guardians of The Galaxy panel is available to watch on YouTube, the brief teaser James Gunn cut together for the audience in Hall H , hasn’t made it’s way online yet. However, there were some cool reveals, it was officially confirmed that the film’s villain will be The High Evolutionary. The character will be played by Chukwudi Iwuji. Earlier this year, Iwuji played Clemson Murn in the spectacular “Peacemaker” series. He made a hell of the entrance by taking a page out of Tom Hiddleston’s playbook and showing up for the panel in character and costume.

Chukwudi Iwuji on stage in Hall H as The High Evolutionary.

The High Evolutionary is Doctor Herbert Wyndham, a geneticist who specializes in creating human/animal hybrids. Rocket has been frequently referred to as the central character in Vol.3., so going on some sort of journey of self discovery to find his ”creator” or ”father”, makes a lot of sense. Many fans have speculated that The High Evolutionary would be revealed to be Rocket’s creator. This reveal seems to have confirmed this running fan theory.

Daredevil: Born Again

Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio return as Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk in the first 18 Episode Disney+ series. Notably, Fiege referred to this as the show’s “First Season”, implying that this isn’t a one off, like WandaVision, for example. Born Again refers to one of Daredevil’s most iconic stories, however Season 3 of the Netflix Daredevil series was largely an adaptation of this classic Born Again storyline. Even if the Netflix shows aren’t completely considered canon in The MCU, I doubt Marvel would rehash a story that we’ve, mostly, already seen, canon or not. Especially with Cox and D’Onofrio returning. If i had to guess, I’d say this is probably a Civil War or Age of Ultron situation, adaptations in name only and vastly different from the source material. I think that’s the most likely situation with Daredevil: Born Again. Out of all the projects revealed at COMIC CON this year, this is the one I’m most excited about.

In this video, IGN does a great job of explaining what Daredevil’s future in The MCU looks like. Check it out:


The Sandman

Neil Gaiman, the celebrated author and creator of The Sandman comic series that the new show’s based on, breaks down the trailer in the video below.

SHAZAM: Fury of The Gods

Black Adam

Thanks for reading! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


TRAILERS OF THE WEEK: Black Adam & The Sandman!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

DC superhero films that have come out over the past several years have been a mixed bag to put it politely. However, there is reason to hope on the horizon. There has been a major shake up at Warner Brothers, the company that owns DC. They have a new head honcho. A man named David Zasla is the new Warners CEO nad he’s looking to make some big changes, for the better. First of all, they want to create an in-house DC Studios, so they can completely produce and create their own films. Like Marvel Studios has since the first Iron Man movie in 2008. He’s already been cleaning house DC Entertainment. Cancelling several TV shows and projects that don’t work or have long overstayed their welcome. Change can be a very good thing in a situation like this and the slate of films coming down the pipe from DC are pretty exciting.


One project that I’m most looking forward to is Black Adam, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the titular character. Warner Bros./DC have just dropped a new trailer, so let’s take a closer look…

Black Adam is a fantastic character. Not somebody easily classified as a hero or a villain. More of an anti-hero. But a great character nonetheless. While I don’t think this is a particularly spectacular trailer, the first teaser was much, much better, I was already sold on this film and I think there’s a lot of reasons to be optimistic about this movie.

Because Black Adam rides that line between villain and anti-hero, I love how the “antagonists” of the movie are the superheroes Teth-Adam (his real name) faces off with in the comics. It’s a brilliant reversal on the hero/villain dynamic that we haven’t quite seen before in a superhero film. The superheroes in question are The JSA or Justice Society, the team that bump heads with Black Adam most frequently.

It’s a really cool line up, too! With Pierce Brosnan playing Dr. Fate, along side characters like Hawkman (played by Aldis Hodge), Atom Smasher, and Cyclone. I even think the JSA character designs are done very well. In fact, Black Adam looks spot on as well. Based on what I’ve seen in the trailers so far, I really dig the film’s aesthetic.

It should also be noted that Black Adam has major ties the character Shazam/Billy Batson. 2019’s SHAZAM! was one of the better DC movies to hit theaters over the last few years. Shazam and Black Adam are large parts of each other’s mythologies. If the upcoming sequel, SHAZAM!: Fury of The Gods, is a success, we should expect these characters to cross paths in the near future. In fact, I’ll be surprised if Black Adam doesn’t feature a cameo or some other major reference to Shazam. I’m really intrigued to see how it’ll all play out on the big screen. Check out the trailer here:


Next up, we have the new trailer for the upcoming Netflix series based on Neil Gaiman‘s The Sandman! The Sandman is by far one of my absolute favorite comic books of all time. It’s a story that I find myself coming back to over and over again. I tend to re-read it every few years and I always discover something new in the story that I didn’t notice before. It’s a true masterpiece of the medium. I knew that The Sandman series was premiering in 2022, they already dropped a teaser trailer, but I thought it was odd that we hadn’t heard anything else about a specific release date. No behind the scenes footage or other promotional material. Well, now we have an official trailer to announce the release date, confirming a 2022 release. The trailer reveals we’re going to be seeing it much sooner rather than later, premiering August 5th on Netflix.

It’ll be very interesting to see how this show plays out. It seems to be both a very faithful adaptation, taking images straight off the page, while also deviating from the comic in some other major ways. Which is fine, in fact most times, it’s a good thing. Often, it’s the best way to tackle a project like this. When adapting something from one medium to another, some things that work on the comic book page don’t always work on screen, necessitating changes in the translation. I think the important things like the actor cast in the role of Morpheus AKA Dream of The Endless AKA the titular Sandman, Tom Sturridge, seems perfect for the role. The visuals seem spectacular and the tone appears to be spot on. So I’m optimistic. However, I have a feeling this is either going to be brilliant, or kind of a big let down. I don’t have any particular reason to believe that, it’s more just an instinct. Hopefully I’m way off and this is going to another wonderful adaptation of one of Neil Gaiman’s most wonderful creations. Anyway take a look at the trailer for yourself below and step into the world of The King of Dreams…

Thanks for reading! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!



Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

The Super Bowl is here once again and with some SICK, new trailers for the most exciting movies and TV shows coming in 2022! As each new trailer premieres, I’ll be posting and updating right here on the site. So keep it right her at World’s Best Media for all of you Super Bowl Trailer needs!

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness

OK, that’s Patrick FUCKING Stewart’s voice in there, Right?! RIGHT?!!? Are we getting The Illuminati? This looks amazing!

Jurassic World: Dominion

Moon Knight

DCEU 2022

Jordan Peele’s Nope

This movie wasn’t on my radar at all. Jordan Peele and UFO’s? In the immortal words of Kevin Smith ”Fuck you, take my money!”.

The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power

Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


TRAILERS OF THE WEEK: F9:The Fast Saga & Army of The Dead!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

WEEK 4 of Worlds Best Media’s SPRING 2021 Movie & TV Preview begins with this installment of TRAILERS OF THE WEEK! We have the sick new trailers for F9: The Fast & Furious Saga, with the talented Justin Lin returning to direct, and Army of The Dead, directed by Zack Snyder! Let’s start with Army of The Dead starring Dave Bautista. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, probably that you’re a little sick of Zack Snyder after so much coverage of his Justice League film last month. However, I LOVE zombie movies, Snyder directed one of the best zombie movies of all time with Dawn of The Dead, and this trailer looks fucking sick! Take a look below…

Army of The Dead premieres on Netflix and Select Theaters 5/21/21

Next up, we have F9: The Fast Saga or The Fast and The Furious 9 or who gives a shit? We all now why we show up for this absurdly entertaining series of films. Out of the 2 trailers we’re highlighting this week,the one with zombies is the MUCH MORE realistic of the two. After a year long delay due to COVID, F9: The Fast Saga finally hits theaters this June. I make no apologies, I fucking LOVE these movies and you can’t bet your ass that this is one of my MUST WATCH movies this summer!

F9: The Fast Saga hit theaters 6/25/21

Thanks for reading and watching! Follow me on Twitter @PJWrightWBM or type Worlds Best Media into the search bar, you can also like and follow us on our Facebook page; World’s Best Media. We’re on Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


Jumanji: The Next Level – Review

Written by Michael Cole

Two years ago when Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was about to come out, I was one of the only people I knew that was actually excited to see it. I even wrote an article about it here on World’s Best Media, what I wanted to see. One of the things that I talked about wanting, was world building. Welcome to the Jungle brought us into the world of Jumanji in a way that they weren’t able to do in 1995 when the Robin Williams version was made. It was awesome, and I genuinely loved the film.

The latest entry in the series, Jumanji: The Next Level delivers on the world building aspects. We’re no longer confined to just a traditional jungle environment, but get to see the desert, and a snow covered jungle, and with new levels, we get different animals than the previous film. This is now fully realized, and I suspect I know how the next film is going to go, but we’ll get to that in a little bit.

* SPOILER ALERT! For The Rest Of This Article*

One of the cool things of Welcome to the Jungle, was that our four main characters, are avatars of teenagers, and it allows for some strong character moments, as well as comedic fodder. Jack Black was a teenage girl, Dwayne Johnson was a skittish nerdy kid, Karen Gillan was a nerdy girl, and Kevin Hart was a black jock. In this film, in order to keep everything fresh, they scramble the characters and introduce some new ones. This time, Johnson is playing Danny Devito, Kevin Hart is Danny Glover, Jack Black is now the jock, and Spencer , who had the Dwayne Johnson avatar in the last game, is now Awkwafina who is a new playable character.

Eventually once they’ve done the necessary character work, they find a way to switch all the characters back into the previous avatars, with Danny Glover becoming a horse, and Danny Devito transferring into Awkwafina.

Since the avatar actors playing multiple characters (mostly) is such a big part of the film let’s talk about it. Personally, I think Welcome to the Jungle’s character assignments were perfect, but I understand that they wanted to do some work with it this time. Kevin Hart is great as both of his characters, handling Danny Glover’s character just as well as the jock character. Also Awkwafina is amazing as both characters; she handles being a nerdy teenage boy with perfection, and I think her Danny Devito is great. That brings us to Dwayne Johnson, I don’t love his Danny Devito; he has moments that are great, but there’s a lot of moments when the ‘Rock’ persona and Devito persona aren’t blended well; he doesn’t fully get the cadence and accent right, and it’s a bit cartoony. Jack Black as the athlete doesn’t work well for me, it’s not terrible, but Jack Black as the jock handles the character stuff well, but his ‘black voice’ borders on uncomfortable, it’s less about racial issues for me, and more about his voice falling into the uncanny valley, of being close enough to not be offensive, but far enough where it’s awkward.

I think that the character work, and set pieces really overcome all of the shortcomings in the performances. I won’t tell you much about the actual plot, I wouldn’t do it much justice, but the film is well paced, and really enjoyable. I’ll just say, as you should already know, is that our characters win, and escape Jumanji. So let’s talk about easter eggs, and where I think the next installment is going.

In the previous film, the characters find tree a house with a carving that says: “Alan Parrish was here”. Which is an homage to Robin Williams and the first Jumanji movie. And I amThe Next Level, talks about a restaurant called Nora’s several times throughout the film, and eventually once everything is back to normal we discover that Nora was the Bebe Neuwirth character from the original, and in the end we see her hiring Danny Devito. I suspect that she’ll have some part to play in the next film, and will not just be a cameo.

As our heroes, recently returned to their own bodies outside of the game go to Nora’s to grab a meal and celebrate their victory, we cut back to the video game console, in the teenage boy’s basement as a heating repairman goes to touch it, and we hear the drumbeats that signal the game is coming, and cut to the main street where Nora’s is, and a pack of Ostriches comes rampaging down the street, the characters see them, and we cut to the credits.

Now, when I say I think I know where this is going, it’s probably pretty obvious, and I’m not making any bold predictions, but I think we’re going to get to see a setting more similar to the original film, (although I suspect the effects and scale will be drastically expanded), and we’ll have to see the characters working with the avatars who have stepped out of the game into their world. This will allow for a third set of avatar characters, the ones that the game originally intends for them, and by bringing them into our world, they keep the ‘fish out of water’ theme. I also suspect we may see something of a “Last Action Hero”/Buzz Lightyear style identity crisis within the characters in which they realize their reality isn’t actual reality.

Personally, after the previous two films, I’m 100% down for whatever comes next.

Overall grade: B+

TRAILER: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…


….Um… Well… Jesus Christ…

The pinnacle of modern filmmaking? Very likely. After watching this trailer I did a set of sick squats, blasted my pecs, drank 5 pints of Guinness, and ate a 42 ounce steak. This trailer is so MANLY, it made ME more manly.


Hobbs & Shaw happens to us all on 8/2/19

What I Want to See: Jumanji

When Jumanji came out in 1995, I was eleven years old, and my Aunt Amy and Uncle Mike brought me and my little sister to see it, and it was awesome.  This was possibly the most intense action movie we had seen at that time, and we hadn’t even broken any rules watching it, it was for us!

At the end of the movie, there was a very clear lead in to a sequel, with the board game being found on a beach, and so as it fades to black the whole audience thinks “oh here we go again!”

But this was before it was obligatory that all blockbusters became franchises, and perhaps it wasn’t the box office behemoth I assumed it was, so we never got a sequel.  …Until now!


Now, you’ve probably seen the trailer for Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, starring Jack Black, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart, and Dwayne Johnson.  From what I have gathered, I am the only one excited for this film, but that’s because I’m the only one who is right.

Here’s the deal, the original Jumanji, was about a board game which pulled one character into it, and eventually spit all of the world of the game out of it into the real world.  It was pretty cool, but ultimately it was grounded in the real world, and personally I always wanted to see the world of Jumanji.  Then we got the cartoon, and in that we saw the characters of the film go into the game, and it didn’t quite make sense with the continuity but it was still cool.

462269-1100x620_karen-gillan-jumanji-doublesWelcome to the Jungle!

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, is a video game that sucks four teenagers in, putting them into the bodies of the game’s avatars.  The fact that it’s a video game and not the original board game seems to be a major point of contention for people, but honestly we have Monopoly video games, and Lego video games, and all kinds of video games that might seem redundant or unnecessary, so why not magically possessed adventure games in both formats?

There have been reports that Robin Williams’ character will have left an imprint on the game, which means it falls into the same continuity, and I have to be honest, I’m psyched.  Jumanji is a great concept, and I don’t think they fully actualized it in the first film, in fact I even liked Zathura, which was just space Jumanji.

One of the cool things about this concept, is that it opens up what they can do with Jumanji.  We could see all manners of jungle beasts imagined and real, in a human killing rampage of nature.  There are many different terrains the world of Jumanji can inhabit, and so maybe in this movie it’s just Amazonian style jungle, but there are going to be sequels (if it makes enough money, and it has The Rock, so lets face it, it will).  That’s the great part about the video game avatars, is that we could have the cast for a full trilogy, but not necessarily have the characters be the same throughout.

In addition to wanting a lot of world building, and exploration of that world, I want cameos.  I want Bonnie Hunt, or Kirsten Dunst, or that other kid.  I want this film to be the clear baton passing, and then after that, we get to the new Jumanji franchise.  Kill off Han Solo in the first film, and move on.  That’s what I want to see!

maxresdefaultI totally want to see this guy pop up again!