Should Batman Kill?

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

It is good to be back!

Director Zack Snyder (300, Man of Steel, Batman V Superman) recently appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast for a lengthy interview that reignited a longtime debate within fandom: Should Batman Kill? We have our own, very strong opinions on the subject here on The World’s Best Podcast. So what better way to return from our long hiatus? It’s good to be back! Thanks for listening and enjoy!

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Below, we have some of the specific moments from Batman comics, video games and film, that show how the character’s “No Kill” Rule is pretty… flexible. We covered some of these on this episode of the podcast. Judge for yourself!

The Dark Knight Returns

This is the much debated sequence from The Dark Knight Returns, that Snyder discusses on JRE, judge for yourself:

While the moment is definitely a little confusing and ambiguous, it is definitely not Batman shooting The Mutant Gang member in the head, as Snyder described it on JRE. At the very least, Batman definitely seems to shoot the guy. However, confusion about this moment doesn’t invalidate the larger points Snyder was making.

Batman Leaves KGBeast For Dead… TWICE!

In Batman #420, rather than test his skills against the formidable KGBeast, Batman traps and seals him abandoned, underground room. Deep in the bowels of Gotham. In a complete cop out from DC, a later issue retconned this moment, at the behest of DC, mentioning that Batman eventually told the police where KGBeast was. However, that doesn’t change the fact that the intentions of the writers and Batman were crystal clear when this comic was published. This was Batman committing a man to a slow and brutal death.

After KGBeast shot Nightwing in the head, causing permanent brain damage, Batman hunts KGBeast to the ends of the Earth. Culminating in a vicious battle in remote Siberia in Batman #57. To end the fight, Batman pulls out his grapple gun sticks it under KG beasts, chin and fires it at point blank range. The tremendous force instantly snaps his neck, paralizing the man. Despite the assassin’s pleas, Batman leaves KGBeast to die in the frozen wilderness. The only question was if he succumbed to his injuries, or to the cold first.

Batman Begins (2005) “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you”

Well, that’s a fine line, isn’t it Batman?

Batman Mortally Wounds Darkseid

Those are just a few examples, but there are plenty more. Batman may not have outright murdered many people since his early years, but there are plenty of times when his actions knowingly resulted in someone’s death. It’s not much of a rule if Batman’s frequently bending it. Maybe it’s time to get rid of the whole damn “No Kill” Rule altogether?

Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!

– Paul

FIRST LOOK: The Flash! New Posters! Videos! & More!

Hey Everyone

Paul here…

Hands-down, DC/WB”s upcoming movie The Flash is by far my most anticipated film of the year. The return of Michael Keaton as Batman! Supergirl! Dark Flash! The DCEU spin on the classic Flashpoint storyline! That KILLER trailer! The return of General Zod! It all looks fucking great.

Plus, say what you want about the guy, but I really like Ezra Miller as The Flash (or more specifically Barry Allen). I do think that when they’re done with Miller, because let’s be real his relationship with Warner Bros. as this character is going to be done after this film, they should make Wally West their new Flash, instead of just re-casting Barry Allen.

Wally West: The One, True Flash!

Alongside Barry/The Flash, It looks like the most important characters in the upcoming film, are Michael Keaton’s Batman and Supergirl. This reality’s twisted reflection of the classic The DC Trinity (Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in the main DCU).

The Trinity from The Flash…

Which I am all about! Because I’ve loved everything I’ve seen about this new Supergirl and once again, give me some Michael Keaton as Batman ALL. DAY. LONG. Which brings me to today‘s topic. As some of you may know, I love me a good movie poster. I love a good movie poster almost as much as I love a good trailer. Well, that’s over stating things a little bit. However, I believe that movie posters are an art form. A great movie poster cannot only sell the shit out of a film, but it can be a work of art. I have countless books solely on the art of movie posters. Books collecting some of the classic movie posters of our time. A great movie poster can capture the imagination. Which is why I was excited to see Warner Bros./DC Studios premiere, these three, very cool character posters for their upcoming Flash film. Take a look.

All in keeping with the them of this universe’s DC Trinity. Speaking of Supergirl, I’m particularly happy to see her included in this film, because Zack Snyder actually set up her presence in the DCEU all the way back in Man of Steel. In the films first act, when Clark discovers the Kryptonian scout ship, he notices pods filled with the bodies of dead Kryptonians, except one of the pods was open, with no body inside. Implying that someone got out alive. Fans, of course, took notice of this and when asked about it, Zack Snyder insinuated that, that was indeed an Easter egg intended to set up Supergirl.

Anyway, as a big fan of Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trilogy, I thought this vide was cool:

James Gunn, the new co-head of DC Studios has repeatedly stated his “love” for The Flash film, calling it “one of the best superhero movies ever made.”. As the co-head of DC Studios and director of the upcoming Superman: Legacy, Gunn may be a little bias. However, Tom Cruise, who many credited with helping to save the moviegoing industry with last year’s mega hit Top Gun: Maverick, was asked by WB CEO David Szazlav to screen the film and give his thoughts. After a print was delivered to Cruise’s home and he watched the movie, Cruise not only “loved it’, but he was so impressed, he called director Andy Muschietti to rave about the film and told the director “This is everything you want in a movie. It’s the kind of film we need now.”. That is one HELL of an endorsement!

…And just to wrap things up, not for nothing, but the McFarlane Action Figures for The Flash and Keaton’s Batman for this movie look sick! Needless to say, there’s a lot of reasons to be excited for this film!

The Flash opens in theaters June 16th, 2023!

Thanks for reading! Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews for the podcast, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


NEW TRAILER & POSTERS: Titans Season 3!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

Ever since Titans first premiered on the DC Universe Streaming Service, I always felt it was a pretty underrated superhero show. It seemed to get a lot of criticism, that I think, it didn’t deserve. Even Season 2 was a big improvement on Season 1, in my opinion. My theory, is that the series is a fairly dark interpretation of the Teen Titans mythology. Titans premiered right around the time many fans were souring on what they believed was overly dark and grim tone of the DCEU movies like Man of Steel and BvS. Regardless, it’s not a perfect show by any means, but for me at least, Titans has always been an absolute blast. Season 3 looks to be the best yet, adding Scarecrow, Red Hood, Blackfire, and Barbara Gordon to an already fun ensemble of DC characters. The first two seasons are available now on HBO Max. I definitely recommend giving it a shot, especially if you’re a DC fan. Titans Season 3 premieres August 12 on HBO Max. Take a look at these cool promo images, and watch the new trailer right here:

This season also sees the debut of Tim Drake, the 3rd hero to take up the mantle of Robin (pictured below). Tim eventually comes into his own as The World’s Second Greatest Detective, Red Robin.

More character posters…

Follow us on Twitter @PJWrightWBM, Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017, and our Facebook Page, Worlds Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


Trailers of The Week!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

UPDATED: In a move that will have a massive effect on the filmmaking business, Warner Bros/DC have announced that Wonder Woman 1984, will be simultaneously released in theatres and HBO Max on 12/25/20. The movie will be free for anyone with an existing HBO Max subscription, there will be no extra charge like Disney+ did with their release of Mulan earlier this year. This is some damn good new and I’m psyched to finally see WW84!

We will keep you updated as more information becomes available….

Trailers are one of my favorite aspects of the moviegoing experience. Even if the final film turns out to be a complete piece of dog shit, a great trailer can be thrilling and rousing, it can spark your imagination. Of course, as i’ve said in the past, in some ways the art of movie trailers has disappeared for the most part, every once in a while a trailer comes along that blows your socks off. Whenever I find an interesting trailer, I always make a point to post it here on the website to share it with my audience. So I’ve been thinking about making it a little bit more of a formal, weekly column series called “Trailers of The Week”. Sometimes there are trailers that I’d really love to share with you guys, but they don’t necessarily marry their own article here on the website. This way I can let everyone know about all of the interesting trailers I’ve come across each week. Some weeks are going to be better than others, but hopefully will get more fantastic trailers than average ones. So without any further do, I think I have two pretty cool trailers to share with you guys this week.

The first, is the latest trailer for Justice League: The Snyder Cut, premiering on HBO Max early 2021. It contains a lot of footage that we saw in the first trailer, but some interesting moments are expanded, we get a better look at some significant characters, and there is some new and interesting material as well. I have made it no secret that I am extremely excited for this project, I really hope Zack Snyder is able to silence his critics and give us something very unique and interesting for those of you who don’t know at this point the Snyder cut is so long that it’s going to be released as a miniseries on HBO max, I think it’s about five or six hours at this point, I’m not 100% sure. One thing is for sure this is going to be damn interesting superhero project to watch when it finally comes out.

On to our second trailer…

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a huge fan of the DC Animated Movies that come out three or four times a year. This new film, Batman: Soul of The Dragon, looks particularly interesting. I love the whole retro 70s style and the Bruce Lee, Enter The Dragon “vibe”. Bruce Wayne is one of the best fighters in DC Universe, so it’s very interesting to see a younger Bruce training to become a deadly martial artists. DC Animation have put out their fair share mediocre films, but every now and again they knock one out of the park. Hopefully, Batman: Soul of The Dragon is the former. I love the new aesthetic and unique story. I’m definitely looking forward to give this movie a watch.

Batman: Soul of The Dragon: Available digitally on 1/12/21 and on Blu-Ray on 1/26

Justice League: The Snyder Cut: Premiering on HBO Max sometime in the first half of 2021

Thanks for listening! Follow me on Twitter @PJWrightWBM or type Worlds Best Media into the search bar, you can also like and follow us on our Facebook page; World’s Best Media. We’re on Instagram @worldsbestmedia2017. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again! Stay healthy and stay safe!


FIRST LOOK: Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer & Posters!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

I love the 80’s retro design in the marketing

It’s a great day to be a DC fan! DC and Warner Brothers just dropped the first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 and it looks pretty damn cool! The first film was excellent and Gal Gadot crushed it in the role. Now that the origin is out of the way and audiences have become familiar with the character, the filmmakers are free to take the Wonder Woman story in any direction they want. Gal Gadot beautifully embodied Diana and everything she stands for in the first Wonder Woman. A film that solidified her status as the perfect person for the role, especially after being a highlight in movies like Batman V Superman and Justice League.

I’m a big Batman V Superman apologist, I actually love the film despite its many flaws and Wonder Woman is one of the big things the movie has going for it. Justice League on the other hand is arguably the worst film in the DCEU (or The Worlds of DC or whatever the fuck they’re calling it now), yet she shines as Wonder Woman in an otherwise poorly conceived and executed movie. With this much success as the character already under her belt, Wonder Woman 1984 has the potential to push Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman into icon status. I hope they’re able to do something exciting that isn’t a retread of the original movie, but still captures the spirit of what makes Wonder Woman great.

Of course Chris Pine returns as Steve Trevor. It will be interesting to see exactly how they choose to resurrect the character or bring him to 1984. This isn’t supposed to be a different person who looks exactly like Steve Trevor, like his grandson or something. This is the same man that Diana knew during WWI. To be honest, I don’t particularly care about the details, I like the character and I’m happy to see him return in this movie.

    I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see Cheetah in this trailer. That’s the character played Kristen Wiig. There are several different versions of Cheetah, but the one I’m most familiar with and the one I hope they use is Dr. Barbara Minerva.

Dr. Barbara Minerva was an archaeologist who became friends with Diana. Her specialty was mythology and ancient cultures that existed around the time Themyscira was created. Through a bizarre series of events that I won’t get into here, she’s cursed by some ancient god into becoming a cheetah-like monster. The transformation made her overly violent and bloodthirsty, but for the most part she retains her human mind. In some versions she directly blames Diana for her condition. I’m really excited to see if they do this character design justice. In my opinion, CGI motion capture would be the best way to go, I’d like to see them lean more into the monstrous cheetah side than the more human look we’ve seen in other iterations. I’ve included some images from a recent Wonder Woman story by written Greg Rucka with art by Liam Sharp. They’re good examples of the direction I hope the filmmakers go with for Cheetah’s design…

   On the flip side, I was very pleasantly surprised to see the inclusion of another classic DC anti-hero/villain: Maxwell Lord. Played by Pedro Pascal who’s currently wowing audiences in The Mandalorian, will be playing Maxwell Lord, who I had no idea was even in the movie.

Maxwell Lord is a wealthy businessman who has a long and dark history with the Justice League and Wonder Woman in particular. At one point he fully funded the Justice League a classic JL run in the 80’s called Justice League International. It was later revealed that he was a meta-human with telepathic powers and this long time ally to the Justice League was actually a much more sinister figure than anyone knew. So that’s a really fun character to throw into the mix because they could play him in a lot of different ways.  In addition to the trailer also got some really cool character posters (featured throughout the article) The posters for the first Wonder Woman movie were fucking works of art and these posters are certainly unique. I especially love that golden wing armor that we see Diana wear in the trailer, if they make a poster with that costume I will most certainly be buying a copy. Anyway, this is definitely high on my list of most anticipated films of 2020, take a look at the trailer right here:

Thanks for reading! Follow me on Twitter @PJWrightWBM or type Worlds Best Media into the search bar, you can also like and follow us on our Facebook page; World’s Best Media. Those likes and follows, as well as iTunes reviews, which go a long way to supporting World’s Best Media. We really appreciate the loyalty and support shown to us by our fans, so thanks again!
