PODCAST: Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3 Review! FULL SPOILERS

Hey Everyone,

Paul here….

This article is probably a little late to the game, but I wanted to put my two cents in anyway, so I appreciate your indulgence. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3, is the latest installment in Phase 5 of The Marvel Cinematic Universe. Director James Gunn has always said that the 3rd film would the swan song for this iteration of the team. The final film telling the story of a group of broken people, coming together to form an unlikely family. Helping each other heal from the traumas of their past, to become something better. Of course, other great characters like Mantis, Nebula, Yondu, Kraglin, and Cosmo have joined the family of the course of the films, but the core team has always been Peter Quill, Drax, Gamora, Groot, and Rocket. The original team that we fell in love with almost ten years ago.

Vol.3 is with out a doubt, Rocket’s movie. While all of the characters are expertly handled, and each have their moments to shine, this is Rocket’s story through and through. Vol.3 brings the character’s arc, across the Guardians and Avengers films, to a beautiful and satisfying conclusion.

To be clear, just because this is the conclusion to this iteration of the Guardians of The Galaxy, that doesn’t mean that we’ll never see these characters again or they’ll never be another Guardians project. James Gunn is concluding the story he began telling with Guardians of The Galaxy in 2014. It’s just like how The MCU’s The Infinity Saga concluded with Avengers: Endgame, but The MCU continued on. The new status quo that we have by the end of the movie, offers up some intriguing possibilities for future projects in this corner of The Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anyway, you can check out both episodes of our two-part Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3 podcast below. FULL SPOILERS for all of The Guardians of The Galaxy films, as well as Infinity War and Endgame. As always, thanks for listening and enjoy!

Check out both installments of out 2-Part Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3 podcast below…

Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3 podcast Part 1:

Listen here through the Speaker app: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/53870265. Or listen on…

iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-worlds-best-podcast/id1246038441?i=1000613071713

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4aWd9fxKiK28qhsmtYNJOU?si=zxgtteBUTuOH9Twq9KxzmQ

Stitcher: https://play.stitcher.com/episode/303247400

Here’s Part-2 of our review and discussion of Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.3…

Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/54111791

iTunes/Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-worlds-best-podcast/id1246038441?i=1000615852248

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1HPyiPdi23iIWeYu2IHenQ?si=O8atEJ3uSs-gK8cQ5iHZpg

Stitcher: https://play.stitcher.com/episode/304157645

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