Short Film: “BATTLE AT BIG ROCK” from Jurassic World Director Colin Trevorrow!

Hey Everyone,

Paul here…

   I received a very pleasant surprise today when I found out that the short film “Battle At Big Rock“ was dropping online. As you may know if you follow the site or listen to my podcast, it seems like surprises are a rare commodity when it comes to movies these days. We seem to know everything about most movies long before they even hit theatres. Today we got a nice surprise in the short film “Battle At Big Rock” from director Colin Trevorrow. A Jurassic World short film coming out was not on my radar at all. Trevorrow was the director of Jurassic World and writer/producer on Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. He’ll also be directing the upcoming Jurassic World 3 set for release in 2021. The second Jurassic World film, Fallen Kingdom ended with, what myself and probably a lot of other audience members have been wanting to see for a long time, the dinosaurs finally unleashed on the world. Mankind and dinosaurs must now coexist. At the end of Fallen Kingdom, Jeff Goldblum‘s Ian Malcolm paraphrases the immortal words of Richard Attenborough’s John Hammond with the line “Welcome to Jurassic World.”

  With the central concept of Jurassic World 3 being what a world where dinosaurs and man are forced to coexist will look like, according to Trevorrow “Battle at Big Rock” is all about setting up this central theme. The story is about a family taking a camping trip that… takes a very dramatic turn. I’ll let you see it for yourself and then give you my thoughts. Check it out:

Personally, I dug the hell out of this. It did a great job of capturing what’s so fun and cool about the Jurassic Park movies within the confines of a short run time. Basically, I think it’s a blast. If the next Jurassic World film can capture the spirit of this short, it has the potential to be pretty awesome. I even enjoyed the family despite the fact that we spend relatively little time with them. I doubt they’ll take this route, but I definitely found them to be likable enough to have them make an appearance in one of the upcoming full length features. Also, I thought it was cool that the father in “Battle at Big Rock” is played by Andre Holland from Castle Rock.

I love this short film so much for a reason I alluded to before, I feel like the movie that everyone really wanted to see after the first Jurassic Park, was a film where the dinosaurs got off the island. We wanted to see dinosaurs rampaging across the U.S.! Packs of Velociraptors hunting in our cities! T-Rex’s roaming the great American plains! Pterodactyl’s swooping down from the sky to pick off people like birds hunting fish! Herds of Triceratops and Brachiosaurus causing traffic jams! Show me that fucking movie! Fortunately, I get the feeling that’s where Jurassic Park 3 is more or less going. An article I read in The Hollywood Reporter even suggested the events of Jurassic World 3 could be follows with something like Jurassic War! Now that’s an idea I can get behind! The dinosaur population gets out of control, the humans are given some technological handicap so we can’t just wipe the dinosaurs out right away, which leads to an all out war for the planet, MAN VS. DINOSAUR! ONLY ONE SPECIES WILL SURVIVE! FUCK YEAH! Well, a guy can hope, right?

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